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Alvaro Aroca Cordova (Chile) International Doctor in Research and Creation in Art from the University of the Basque Country (Spain) e Civil Engineer from the University of Bío-Bio (Chile).

I am a transdisciplinary artist and researcher who works with artistic processes linked to and for nature, as a captive construct of modernity. Es en torno a las estéticas decoloniales que imagino, recreo y contextualizo otros caminos para enfrentar lo que nos rodea y nuestra construcción política_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_body. The use of different supports, understood as an artistic practice, in the elaboration of installations, videos and pictorial work, is a fundamental part of my creative development. Process that interacts with my scientific knowledge that questions the current relationship of man with his nature. I explore dualities through the symbolic properties of interstices historical and experiential from the periphery of knowledge. And it is on the edge, the border as a limit imposed and inherited that transforms my identity and disfigures a body, which supports_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 the deepest of my artistic work.















Alvaro Aroca Cordova (Chile) an international PHD in Art Research and Creation in Art from the University of the Basque country (Spain) and a Civil Engineer from the University in the Bío-Bío (Chile).

I am an artist and a transdisciplinary researcher that  works with artistic processes connected with  nature, as a captive construct of modernity. It is around the decolonial aesthetics that help me to imagine, recreate and contextualize other ways to deal with our surrounds us and our political construction of the body. The use of different media, understood as artistic practice, in the development of installations, videos and paintings - is an essential part of my creative development - Process that interacts with my scientific knowledge which questions the current relationship of man with nature. I explore dualities through the symbolic properties of the historical and experiential gaps from the periphery of knowledge. And it is on the edge, the border imposed and inherited boundary that transforms my identity and disfigures a body, which gives support to the depths of my artistic work.













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