Álvaro Rodrigo Aroca Córdova, 1979, Temuco - Chile.
Spanish / English
Academic training
2017 International Doctor in Research and Creation in Art. University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain. ( see )
2015 Diploma Module. Fundamentals of Ecological Ethics from the Art and Environment Research Center, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
2013 Master in Research and Creation in Art. University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain. ( see )
2005 Degree in Civil Engineering, University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile.
2003 Bachelor of Engineering Sciences, University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile
He currently participates in the Research group "PREKARIART" of the University of the Basque Country. http://prekariart.org/en/portfolio_page/alvaro-rodrigo -aroca-cordova/
Scholarships and Awards
2021 Winning publication of the Essay Contest / Fold and Territory of the Chilean Corporation of Video and Electronic Arts https://mediatecalibre.cl/documento/essayo-espacios- utopian-eco-artistics-towards-the-reconstruction-of-imaginaries-where-art-and-nature-coexist/
2020 - 2021 Artist residency Open Ateliers Zuidoost. Project "The nature of colonized bodies", http://www.oazo.nl Amsterdam. Netherlands
2019 Artistic and Research Residency. Project."Alhue: Recovering natural memory", Chiloé. Contuy region , CCESANTIAGO Chile. It finances the Consortium of Museums of the Valencian Community.
2019 Selected in Bilbao Art District. Project. "Herritak Ekologikoak (Ecological Citizens). http://www.bilbaoartdistrict.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Dossier_programa-mayo-2019-BiAD.pdf
2018 "EcoInquiries in Urdaibai". Art and Nature. Project in collaboration with the artist Miriam Martínez through Idea Bat Elkartea, financed by the Basque Government. https://ideabat.es/ecoindagacionesenurdaibai
2017 SCHOLARSHIP for students from Latin America Enrolled in Doctorate at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
2016 Selected "Centro Cultural Montehermoso", Vitoria. https://opac-montehermoso.vitoria-gasteiz.org/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=8802&query_desc=kw %2Cwrdl%3A%20arock
2016 Selected "KALEARTEAN II international meeting of ephemeral Interventions". Basauri. Spain. http://www.kaleartean.com/interventions_2016/parkea-natura-naturata
2016 First Prize “Artistic intervention in the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum”. https://www.europapress.es/euskera/noticia-alvaro-arocaren-paperezko-itsasontzia-artelana-urtebetez-egongo-da-bilboko-itsasadarra-itsas-museoan-20160511174543.html
2016 Finalist “Mural Restorant Kokken” contest, Bilbao. https://www.facebook.com/barkokken/posts/803879613090555?__tn__=CR
2015 Artistic residency "Espacio Reflex". http://espacioreflex.org/?p=2827
2015 Selected “Mail Art” Conect-Arte Gallery, Madrid https://www.facebook.com/CONECT-ARTE-1374962472783728/
2015 Selected Exhibition Project Espacio Reflex, San Sebastián.
2015 Selected Andre ta Jabe . Equality of Women. Bilbao
2015 Accésit at http://talentsunited.com with the Virtual exhibition “Desconstrucción”.
2015 Selected ARTESHOP. Project RE-order.
2014 SCHOLARSHIP for Latin American students enrolled in Doctorate at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
2014 Selected “Small Format Expo”. Artittude Active Gallery. Algorta.
2014 Selected “ Akme Exhibition Budget €5 ”. Bilbao.
2014 Selected "Inproject 2nd Call" in Zawp Bilbao. Zorrotzaurre Art Work in Progress
2014 Selected "Inproject 1st Call" in collaboration with ARMAR
2013 Selected Master Increarte UPV/EHU Sainte Eugenie Crypt, Biarritz France
2013 Selected in Immersions 2013 “Anti-money”, Armar, Vitoria Spain.
2013 Selected ARTESHOP (A shop, an artist), Bilbao Spain.
2010 Special mention photographic contest "UBB in a Click" University of Biobío Concepción Chile.
1997 First place “Mural Liceo Camilo Henríquez de Temuco” Temuco Chile
1995 First place "Month of the Sea Painting Contest" Millaray School Temuco Chile
2015 Cultural Self-Management Course.UPV/EHU. Bilbao
2015 Exhibition Curator Course, Plan B. Bilbao
2015 Course on THE CULTURAL CONSERVATION OF NATURE”. The economic and cultural uses that build the rural landscape, UPV/EHU, San Sebastián.
2015 Culture with an 'M' for Mathematics: a mathematical vision of art and culture, UPV/EHU, Bilbao.
2015 Research course and conferences on sector dialogue. Consonni. Bilbao.
2015 Course From the work TO THE TEXT. BULEGOA. Bilbao.
2017 Founding member and current President of the Association for cultural promotion IDEA BAT ELKARTEA. Registered in the Registry of Associations of the Basque Government with the Number AS/B/21141/2017.
2013 Founding member Association for the Creation and Research in Contemporary Art ARMAR. Registered in the Registry of Associations of the Basque Government with the Number AS/B/18184/2014 www.armar.pro
2014 Member “Art Workers” (www.trabajodoresdelarte.org ) Regulation agreement between personas and contemporary art institutions. Code of Good Practices – Chile (contained by the Chilean intellectual property law law Nº 17.336)
2021 Conference."Art, Nature and Society: rediscovering relationships with the present and future environment".Department of Educational Sciences, University of Alcalá._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
2020 Prekariart in "Conferences on social inclusion and education in the performing arts". National Institute of Performing Arts and Music of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Madrid.
2020 "Frontier eco-artistic imaginaries. Unsustainable art and art of good living." I INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE ART. Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid.
2020 "Uncertain crossroads: pandemic, art and science". Art Education Week 2020. University of Santiago de Chile.
2019 Conference "Artistic construction around Biocentrism". University of Bío-Bío, Chile.
2017 "Utopian Eco-artistic Spaces: Art of Good Living and Unsustainable Art" Congress: Imagining the transition towards SUSTAINABLE societies. http://ecohumanidades.webs.upv.es/imaginar-la-transicion/
2016 QUINCHAHUE. Immersions Congress 2016 "Cult". https://immersionesgasteiz.wordpress.com/
2015 Art in the Mailbox Seminar: Convergences of the eternal network, UPV/EHU, Leioa. www.armar.pro
2015 “2nd International Art, Science and City Congress 2015”. Project “Construction and implementation of an Environmental Artistic tool”. Valencia. http://www.artsciencecity.com/programa
2014 “A hair juice”. Congress: "The Committed University: Visions of the University at the Service of the Common Good". Coalition for Research, Action and Development to Overcome Oppression (CIAD). Sevilla University.
2013 Bilbao Bizkaia Design Festival, Projects “Sculptures in the Iron Mines of La Arboleda”
2013 A hair juice. Congress: Anti-money. Dives 2013. Vitoria - Gasteiz, Spain.
2009 Speaker "III Inter-American Congress of Solid Waste of AIDIS" Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Catalogs and Publications
2021 Winning publication of the Essay Contest / Fold and Territory of the Chilean Corporation of Video and Electronic Arts https://mediatecalibre.cl/documento/essayo-espacios- utopian-eco-artistics-towards-the-reconstruction-of-imaginaries-where-art-and-nature-coexist/
2020 "Alhue" Artistic Residency Publication. Consortium of Museums of the Valencian Community.
2019 Ecological Citizens. Page 32
2018 Publication (recension) in Magazine Art and Identity Policies. Precarious Condition and Art. "Manfred Max-Neef's Philosophy of Ecological Economics". PREKARIART Vol.19 / December 2018
2018 Catalog 5 years Montehermoso Cultural Center -Faculty of Fine Arts UPV/EHU
2017 “Quinchahue” in Mexican magazine FlotanteMag Nº7, (p. 16 to 19)
2017 “Quinchahue”. Catalog of the congress DIVES 2016. CULTOS.ISBN 978-84-697-3151-2 pg. 22
2016 Performance “Quinchahue”. reflex space. https://vimeo.com/155396639
2016 INTERARTIVE Magazine #89 Art + New Media in Latin America. Special number.
2016 Journal for Research in Art AUSART VOL 4(2016), no. 1. Page 77. ISSN 2340-8510 / 2340-9134
2016 Paperezko Itsasontzia (Paper Boat). Memory of the Bilbao Maritime Museum. Page 65
2015 PREKARIART, UPV/EHU Research Group. 1st INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE. ART AND PRECARIOUSNESS ISSN 2444-7447 https://prekariart.org/publicaciones/
2015 AKME 014 978-84-606-7894-6. Page 46.
2014 “Eskulturak Zugaztietako Meatzeetan – Sculptures in the Arboleda Mines” Collaborating Researcher. ISBN 978-84-9860-984-4
2013 “MUGAZ BESTE” Faculty of Beaux Arts and University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU ISBN 84-616-2631-1
2012 Publication RUMBLE Magazine, ISBN 1889-9323. Page 22
Main Exhibitions
2022 Group exhibition "A world of many worlds", CBK Zuidoost, Amsterdam. https://www.cbkzuidoost.nl/nieuws/
2021 Solo Exhibition "The Nature of Colonized Bodies" Galerie Kruitberg, Amsterdam. Netherlands. https://fb.watch/3C54h8nxtE/
2018 Collective Exhibition "Immersions 2018: Around the bonfire. Contemporary witch practices ". https://immersionesgasteiz.wordpress.com/. Victory.
2016 Exhibition #Quinchahue, Cultural Center of Padre las Casas, IX Region, Chile http://centroculturalplc.com/
2016 Collective exhibition #Quinchahue, Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria. http://montehermoso.net/pagina.php?m1=3&id_p=1851&i=cas
2016 Ephemeral Intervention "Parkea Natura Naturata" KALEARTEAN. Basauri.http://www.kaleartean.com/es/interventions_2016/parkea-natura-naturata
2016 Intervention Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum “Paperezko Itsasontzia” (Paper Boat). 1 year duration. Bilbao.
2016 Individual exhibition #Quinchahue, Faculty of Medicine UPV/EHU, Leioa.
2015 Solo Exhibition #Quinchahue, http://espacioreflex.org, Donostia.
2015 Performance #Quinchahue, vimeo.com/155396639, Donostia.
2015 Exhibition Andre ta Jabe. Women's Equality. Bilboarte-Azkuna Centroa-FF BB UPV/EHU.Bilbao
2015 ARTESHOP 2015 Exhibition. RE-order Project. http://arteshopbilbao.com/2015/es/index.php
2015 Exhibition “Ax Head Exchange #1” Armar http://armar.pro/cabezadehachaindex_es.html
2015 Individual Virtual Exhibition “De-construction” http://peopleartfactory.com
2015 Exhibition “Mail Art” Conect-Arte Gallery, Madrid http://conectarte.gallery/alvaro-aroca Madrid.
2014 Exhibition "Expo small format". Artittude Active Gallery. Algorta.
2014 Exhibition “Akme Exhibition Budget €5. www.consonni.org Bilbao.
2014 Exhibition "Inproject 2nd Call" in Zawp Bilbao. Zorrotzaurre Art Work in Progress
2014 Performative collaboration Obra Pau Figueres http://www.paufigueres.es GetxoArte. Bilbao.
2014 Exhibition Project "Bitácora Poetiko Bisuala" Developed in Talleres de Bilbaorte https://www.facebook.com/Bitacorapoetikobisuala
2014 Exhibition "Inproject 1st Call" in collaboration with ARMAR
2014 1.Anniversary in collaboration with ARMAR, in Sukarte, Bilbao. https://www.facebook.com/armar.faceb/media_set
2014 Exhibition of engravings Bar Lamiak, Bilbao Spain.
2013 Exhibition at Immersions 2013 “Anti-money”, Armar, Vitoria Spain.
2013 Exhibition ARTESHOP (A shop, an artist), Bilbao Spain.
2013 Artistic intervention “A juice of hair”, ARMAR (armar.pro), Bilbao Spain
2013 Exhibitions at Bar “Bizitza”, Sarkue and Zaka, Bilbao, Spain
2013 Increarte Master Exhibition UPV/EHU Sainte Eugenie Crypt, Biarritz France
2012 Collective exhibition of comics and illustration "Check Point Rumble" Noain Spain
2012 Collective exhibition of comics and illustration "Rumble Magazine" Barakaldo Spain
2005 Collective exhibition "Exhibition Hall" Airport Carriel Sur Concepción Chile
2004 Collective exhibition "Museum of Hualpén" Hualpén Chile
2000 Individual exhibition "Dreams" Gallery of the History of Concepción Chile
1999 Individual exhibition "Human Nature" University of Bio-Bio Concepción Chile
Academic training
2017 PhD international in research and creation in art. The University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain. (see)
2015 Modulediploma. Foundations of the ecological ethics of the art and Environment Research Center, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
2013 Master in research and creation in art. The University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain.
2005 Degree of Civil Engineering, Concepción, Chile.
2003 Degree in engineering science, Concepción, Chile
It currently participates in the Group of "PREKARIART" research of the University of the Basque country. http://prekariart.org/
Scholarships and awards
2020 - 2021 Open Ateliers Zuidoost Artistic Residence. Project "The Nature of Colonized Bodies", http://www.oazo.nl Amsterdam. netherlands
2019 Artistic and Research Residence. Project." Alhue" in conjunction with Miriam Martinez, Chiloé. Contuy Shire, Chile. It funds the Museum Consortium. Valencian Community.
2018. EcoInquiries in Urdaibai. Art and nature. Collaborative project the artist Miriam Martínez through Idea Bat Elkartea, financed by the Basque Government. https://ideabat.es/ecoindagacionesenurdaibai
2017 Scholarship for students of Latin America enrolled in the doctorate at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
2016 Selected "Montehermoso Cultural Center", Vitoria.
2016 Selected "KALEARTEAN II international meeting of ephemeral interventions". Basauri. Spain.
2016 First prize "intervention art Maritime Museum Ria de Bilbao". http://www.museomaritimobilbao.eus/
2016 Finalist competition "Mural Restaurant Kokken", Bilbao.
2015 Artistic residency "Space Reflex". http://reflexspace.org/?p=2827
2015 Selected "Mail Art" Conect-Art Gallery, Madrid http://conectarte.gallery/alvaro-aroca Madrid.
2015 Exhibition project selected space Reflex, San Sebastian.
2015 Selected Andre ta Jabe. Equality of the Woman. Bilbao
2015 Second prize in http://talentsunited.com with the "deconstruction" Virtual Exhibition.
2015 Selected ARTESHOP. Project RE-order. http://arteshopbilbao.com/2015/es/index.php
2014 Scholarship for students from Latin America enrolled in a doctorate at the University of the Basque country UPV/EHU.
2014 Selected "small Expo format". Artistic active Gallery. Algorta.
2014 Selected "Akme exhibition budget €5". www.consonni.org Bilbao.
2014 Selected "Inproject 2nd call" Zawp Bilbao. Zorrotzaurre Art Work in Progress
2014 Selected "Inproject 1st call for proposals" in collaboration with arm
2013 Selected Master Increarte UPV/EHU crypt Sainte Eugénie, Biarritz France
2013 Selected in dives 2013 "Anti-money", arming, Vitoria, Spain.
2013 Selected ARTESHOP (a trade, an artist), Bilbao Spain.
2010 Special mention competition photo "UBB in one click" University of the Biobío Concepcion Chile.
1997 First place "Mural Liceo Camilo Henríquez de Temuco" Temuco Chile
1995 First "Month of sea painting contest" school Millaray Temuco Chile
2015 Cultural.UPV/EHU self-management course. Bilbao
2015 Course of curating exhibitions, Plan B. Bilbao
2015 Course of CULTURAL conservation of nature". Economic and cultural applications that build the rural landscape, UPV/EHU, San Sebastian.
2015 Culture with 'M' of Mathematics: a mathematical view of art and culture, UPV/EHU, Bilbao.
2015 Course research and seminars on sectoral dialogue. Consonni. Bilbao.
2015 Course work to the text. BULEGOA. Bilbao.
2017 A founding member and current President of the Association for the cultural promotion IDEA BAT ELKARTEA. Registered in the register of associations of the Basque Government with the number AS/B/21141/2017.
2013 Founding Member Association for creation and research in contemporary art put together. Registered in the register of associations of the Basque Government with the number AS/B/18184/2014 www.armar.pro
2014 Member "workers of art" (www.trabajodoresdelarte.org) agreement of regulation among people and institutions of contemporary art. Code of good practice - Chile (Chilean law No. 17.336 intellectual property law content)
2017 "Eco art spaces Utopicos: art of good living and unsustainable art" Conference: imagine the transition towards sustainable societies. http://ecohumanidades.webs.upv.es/imaginar-la-transicion/ Madrid.
2016. QUINCHAHUE. Congress dives 2016 "Cult". https://immersionesgasteiz.wordpress.com/
2015 Seminar art in the mailbox: convergences of the eternal network, UPV/EHU, Leioa. www.armar.pro
2015 "2nd International Congress on art, science and city by 2015". Project "Construction and implementation of an environmental artistic tool". Valencia. http://www.artsciencecity.com/programa
2014 "Hairjuice". "" Congress: "the engaged university: University in the service of the good common visions". Coalition for research, development and action to overcome oppression (FITED). University of Seville.
2013 Bilbao Bizkaia Design Festival, Projects "Sculptures in the Iron Mines of the Grove"
2013 Juice hair. Congress: Anti-money. Dives 2013. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
2009 Exhibitor "III inter-American Congress of solid waste of AIDIS" Buenos Aires
Catalogs and publications
2021 Winning publication of the Trial Contest / Fold and Territory of the Chilean Corporation of Video and Electronic Arts https://mediatecalibre.cl/documento/essayo-espacios-ecoartisticos-utopicos-hacia-la-reconstruccion-de-imaginarios-donde- art-and-nature-coexist/
2020 Publication Artistic Residence "Alhue". Consortium of Museums of the Valencian Community.
https://www.consorcimuseus.gva.es/publicaciones/alhue/?lang=es _
2019 Ecological Citizens. 32
http://www.bilbaoartdistrict.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Dossier_programa-mayo-2019-BiAD.pdf _
2018 Publication (rebuke) in Art Magazine and Identity Policies. Precarious Condition and Art. "Philosophy of the Ecological Economy, by Manfred Max-Neef." PREKARIART Vol.19 / December 2018
2018 "Catalog 5 years", Cultural Center Montehermoso-Faculty of Fine Arts UPV/EHU http://montehermoso.net/pagina.php?m1=&m2=&m3=&id_p=2209
2017 "Quinchahue" in Mexican magazine FlotanteMag N º 7, (p. 16 to 19) https://issuu.com/alondbslmnt/docs/images
2017 "Quinchahue" in the catalog of the Congress dives 2016. Cults. ISBN 978-84-697-3151-2 2016 INTERARTIVE magazine #89 Art + new Media in Latin America. Special number. http://interartive.org
2016 magazine for research in Art AUSART VOL 4 (2016), No. 1. P. 77. ISSN 2340-8510/2340-9134 http://www.ehu.eus/ojs/index .php/ausart/issue/view/1476 2015 2nd International Congress art, Science, City/2nd art, Science, City 2015 Valencia. Http:/ /www.artsciencecity.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/actasACC2015.pdf
2015 PREKARIART, UPV/EHU research group. 1st Interdisciplinary Day. Art and Precarity ISSN 2444-7447
2015 AKME 014 978-84-606-7894-6, p. 46.
2014 "Eskulturak Zugaztietako Meatzeetan – sculptures in the mines of the Grove" collaborating researcher. ISBN 978-84-9860-984-4
2013 "A juice of hair" in the Catalog of Congress Anti-money dives. pp. 78-80. In collaboration with arming.
2013 Bilbao Bizkaia Design Festival, projects "sculptures in the Iron mines of La Arboleda" HTTP://WWW.BAWARDSFESTIVAL.COM/EN/PROJECTS/CATEGORY/HABITAT/ID/1
2013 "MUGAZ beste" Faculty of Beaux Arts and University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU ISBN 84-616-2631-1
2012 RUMBLE Magazine publication, ISBN 1889-9323.
Main exhibitions
2021 Solo exhibition "The Nature of The Adjoining Bodies" Galerie Kruitberg, Amsterdam. Netherlands. https://fb.watch/3C54h8nxtE/
2018 Group exhibition "Dives 2018: Around the bonfire. Contemporary witches practices". https://immersionesgasteiz.wordpress.com/. Victory.
2016 Solo exhibition #Quinchahue, Cultural center of Father the houses, IX Region, Chile http://centroculturalplc.com/
2016 Solo exhibition #Quinchahue, Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria. Http://montehermoso.net/pagina.php?m1=3&id_p=1851&i=cas
2016 Solo Ephemeral intervention "Parka Natura Naturata" KALEARTEAN. Basauri. http://www.kaleartean.com/es/interventions_2016/parkea-natura-naturata
2016 Solo Intervention Maritime Museum Ría de Bilbao "Paperezko Itsasontzia" (Paper boat). 1-year duration. Bilbao.
2016 Solo exhibition #Quinchahue, Faculty of Medicine UPV/EHU, Leioa.
2015 Solo exhibition #Quinchahue, http://espacioreflex.org, Donostia.
2015 Performance #Quinchahue, vimeo.com/155396639, Donostia.
2015 Group Exhibition Andre ta Jabe. Equality of women. Bilboarte-Azkuna Centre-FF BB UPV/EHU. Bilbao
2015 Group Exhibition ARTESHOP 2015. RE-order project. http://arteshopbilbao.com/2015/es/index.php
2015 Group Exhibition "Ax head Exchange #1" arming http://armar.pro/cabezadehachaindex_es.html
2015 Solo Virtual Exhibition "Des-Construction" http://peopleartfactory.com 2015 exhibition "Mail Art" Conect-Arte Gallery, Madrid Http://conectarte .gallery/alvaro-aroca Madrid.
2014 Group Exhibition "Small format Expo". Artistic Active Gallery. Algorta.
2014 Group Exhibition "Akme exhibition Budget €5". Www.consonni.org Bilbao.
2014 Group Exhibition "Inproject 2nd call" in Zawp Bilbao. Zorrotzaurre Art Work in progress
2014 Collaboration performative work Pau Figueres http ://www.paufigueres.es GetxoArte. Bilbao.
2014 Solo Exhibition Project "blog Poetiko Bisuala" developed in Talleres de Bilbaoe_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Https://www.facebook.com/Bitacorapoetikobisuala
2014 Group Exhibition "Inproject 1st call" in collaboration with arming
2014 Group 1. Anniversary in collaboration with ARMAR, in Subkarte, Bilbao._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Https://www.facebook.com/armar.faceb/media_set
2014 Solo Exhibition of engravings Bar Lamiak, Bilbao Spain.
2013 Group Exhibition in dives 2013 "Anti-money", arming, Vitoria Spain.
2013 Group Exhibition ARTESHOP (a trade, an artist), Bilbao Spain.
2013 Artistic Intervention "a juice of hair", arming (Armar.pro), Bilbao Spain
2013 Solo Exhibitions in Bar "Bizitza", Sarkue and Zaka, Bilbao, Spain
2013 Group Exhibition Master Increarte UPV/EHU crypt Sainte Eugenie, Biarritz France
2012 Group exhibition of comics and Illustration "Check Point Rumble " Noain Spain
2012 Group exhibition of comics and Illustration "Rumble Magazine" Barakaldo Spain
2005 Group exhibition "Exhibition Hall" Airport Carriel Sur Concepción Chile
2004 Group exhibition "Museo de Hualpén" Hualpén Chile
2000 Solo exhibition "Dreams" Gallery of the history of Concepción Chile
1999 Solo Exhibition "The Human Nature" University of Bio-Bio Conception Chile